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International Eyecare

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Many Optometrists, Opticians and volunteers travel the globe, donating their time to humanitarian pursuits, providing the glasses so desperately needed. Dr. Yeung travels frequently with an organization known as Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (VOSH), which is dedicated to providing eyecare in developing countries. She has travelled to Jamaica, Tunisia, Morocco, Ecuador and Peru. During each project, thousands of people receive eye exams and donated glasses.

Here’s how you can help.

Do you have an old pair of glasses sitting in a drawer at home? A pair that is in good shape that you just cannot bring yourself to throw out?

Bring in your old glasses to QOC and we will donate them to groups of eyecare professionals travelling the world providing eye exams to communities in need.  Your glasses could give someone the gift of sight!

Written by Lareina Yeung

Dr. Yeung graduated with her Honours Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Optometry degrees from the University of Waterloo in 2003. Upon graduation, she joined the team at Queensway Optometric Centre (QOC). In addition to her work at QOC, Dr. Yeung served on the Board of Directors of the Ontario Association of Optometrists (OAO) for 7 years, where she chaired and participated in various committees. Dr. Yeung spent her final year at the OAO as Vice President and is a recipient of the OAO President’s Award for her outstanding contribution to the profession.
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