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It is 1989. I have just lost my two front teeth, and I am excited to go visit my Dad at Dr. Tracey, Martinello, and Falke Optometrists office at their brand new location on Queensway West across from the Mississauga Hospital. On the way there we stop for gas and fill up for 59 cents per litre. At the time Optometrists were paid $39.15 for an eye exam and paid their employees at least $3.85 per hour.

Moving on to 2021, 32 years later, I have joined my Dad as an Optometrist at Queensway Optometric Centre, across from the Trillium Hospital, for the past 11 years. My own 2 kids have lost their baby teeth and have ambitions of their own to be the next generation of Optometrists. The technology Optometrists have access to has grown tremendously since 1989, and we are now able to treat and manage more than we ever could before. Optometrists are now paid on average $44.65 for a comprehensive exam, and pay their employees at a minimum $14.35 per hour.  Gas now costs $1.35 per litre. 
So much has changed in the past 32 years! An entire generation has gone by. Inflation has increased by 78.8%, minimum wage has increased by 273%, while OHIP fees have only increased by 13.5%. 

This is not sustainable. The government’s current offer is also not sustainable and doesn’t come close to covering the cost of delivering the service. Change must happen now and we need your help! Visit and contact your local MPP to ask for a sustainable solution for our eyecare needs. 

Rasheed Kaleed, MPP Mississauga East Cooksville (905) 238-1751

Sheref Sabawy, MPP Mississauga Erin Mills (905) 820-8851

Rudy Cuzzetto, MPP Mississauga Lakeshore (905) 274-8228

Natalia Kusendova, MPP Mississauga Centre (905) 890-1901

Written by Dr. Karen Stafford

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