Broken blood vessels in the eye, also known as subconjunctival hemorrhages, are usually harmless and resolve on their own within two weeks.
Eye Conditions
Best Supplements for Dry Eyes
Your optometrist may recommend supplements to support your eye health, including omega-3 and vitamins A, B12, and D. […]
Is Blepharitis Contagious?
blepharitis is not contagious because the bacteria that cause it are normally found on the skin, and only cause issues when they overgrow. […]
What Is the Actual Difference between Pink Eye and Styes?
If you experience eye redness and swelling, the first thing that often comes to mind is pink eye. But pink eye and styes are two […]
Can Myopia be Reversed?
A Growing Eye Problem Myopia or nearsightedness is one of the most common vision problems, and it’s only growing. Myopia affects over 30% of Canadians […]
What Are The Best Eye Drops for Dry Eye?
Dry eyes are a symptom that occurs when the body’s tears are no longer able to keep the eyes moist enough to keep them relaxed. […]
Dry Eye & Your Kids: What You Need to Know
Is my Child Suffering From Dry Eye? While dry eye disease has been around for decades, its prevalence in the last decade cannot be ignored. […]
Vision in Your 40s: Your Maturing Eyes
A common question I get from my patients who are around the age of 40 is “What is happening to my eyesight?”. It is an […]
Artificial Tears: The 5 Ws
When it comes to artificial tears, or over the counter eye drops, many of my patients have the same questions: “What are they used for?”, […]
What is Blepharitis?
Are your eyelids eye, irritated and inflamed for no apparent reason? If so, you may have a chronic eye condition called Blepharitis. Learn what it […]