Both conditions cause blurry vision, but they do so in distinct ways. Myopia causes distant objects to appear blurry, while astigmatism distorts vision at all distances. These differences result from how each condition affects the shape of your eyes.
Children’s Eye Health
Can Myopia Lead to Blindness?
Myopia, like hyperopia and astigmatism, is a common refractive error affecting millions of people. However, this condition slightly differs from other refractive errors—it can progress […]
10 Tips for Choosing Children’s Glasses
Choosing a pair of glasses can be especially challenging nowadays due to the massive variety of options available to fit your specific needs. This is […]
Dry Eye & Your Kids: What You Need to Know
Is my Child Suffering From Dry Eye? While dry eye disease has been around for decades, its prevalence in the last decade cannot be ignored. […]
Screen Time & Children’s Eye Health: Separating Fact From Fiction
We are standing at the edge of the digital age. Thanks to ever-changing technology, the way our kids grow up will be completely different from […]